Sunday, September 4, 2011

It has been WAAAAAY too long!

I have been so busy since my last post!  Blogging has been at the VERY back of my mind!  I can't believe how fast time as gone!  I graduated in June with my Associates degree.  Still not sure what I am going to do with it but I know it is what I was supposed to do.  I have actually even bought my business license and am technically a small business owner!  Hopefully, I will make it pay off somehow.

The biggest thing that I have done since my last post is start training for a half marathon.  I committed to myself last year that I would run one this year.  I found a nice flat, out and back marathon in a city not too far from here.  I found a training program and have been working it for the last 8 weeks.  Last week I ran 10 miles--the longest I have EVER run in my life.  This week I get to log a 12 mile run!  My youngest daughter has been a great training partner but it is time to run by myself.  She will not be running the half marathon with me since she is now in her Senior year of Cross Country.  For some reason I am feeling a little unmotivated this week.  Just sitting here thinking about the 6 mile run I have to do tomorrow makes me tired!  I know I will feel good once the run is done but.........  I think I have the eating/refueling/drinking thing figured out on my runs!  The real test will come on Thursday when I do my 12 mile run.  I am not sure I would have finished the 10 mile run if my daughter wasn't with me but this week it is ALL me!!  I did find out that my husband is going to be a nice guy and take time out of his hunting season to support me when I actually run the half.  I am really going to need encouragement to finish!!  I have had friends tell me that once I do one half I will be hooked and want to keep doing them--right now that doesn't seem possible.  But then, a few years ago running a half marathon didn't seem possible!  It is a good feeling to have a goal and be working towards it!  I guess the rest will just have to wait and see in a few weeks!