Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Week of Being a Slug

It was Spring break this week.  I had high hopes of good long runs.  It rained and was cloudy ALL week long!  I did go to Zumba twice this week--which is better than nothing.  I know I would have not felt so sluggish I had got outside to run early in the week but it was TOO dang wet!  Tomorrow is supposed to be a good day so I will plan on a good run!  I ran in a local 5K a couple of weeks ago and ended up not doing too poorly.  I finished 16 out of 101 women and 2nd in my age category.  I need to keep up the good work since I have committed to myself to run a half marathon in the fall! April Fool's I will run tomorrow!  I need to be logging some MILES!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Good Workout Day

This winter quarter has been a tough one!  I have some pretty heavy classes.  There has been a lot of emotional things going on at home and with family.  The sun has been hidden more than it has been out.  It has made for a long trying winter.  I have been anxious to get outside and exercise.  I have made it outside for a couple of runs.  Today we had "workouts" for one of our classes.  They had me breathing pretty hard.   It felt so good to really get the blood moving.  Exercise really can help lift your mood!  The weather is starting to get better all the time so hopefully this outside exercising can keep going!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Not sure what I am doing, but here goes!

 I have resisted doing a blog for a long time.  I feel like I don't have anything to share that would be of benefit to anyone.  The thought of starting this blog has been rolling around in my head for a few days now.  I am not really sure why I feel the urge to do this but I hope it will become more clear as I move forward.

I am a 47 year-old woman who is about to graduate from college as a Health/Fitness Technician (Certified Personal Trainer).  I have made a lot of changes in my life in the last 6 years that have brought me to this point.  If you had told me when I was in high school (or anytime since then) that I would make teaching fitness to others my life's work, I would have laughed you off the planet!!!

I am not totally sure what the purpose of this blog is but I will share with you my weight loss and fitness journey.  I will share with you what I have learned for the past two years at school about being health fit.  As I grow as a personal trainer, I will share what I am learning and experiencing.

I hope that what I share will be of benefit to someone.  I know loosing weight is not easy!  I know being physically fit is not easy!  The alternatives to both seem so much easier but in the long run they are NOT!  I hope to share tips and encouragement along the way.

It is possible to be healthy and fit and enjoy the effort it takes to do so!  Together we can make it happen for you and it will be SOOOOO worth it!